marimo comes packaged with interactive UI elements that you can use to build
powerful notebooks and apps. These elements are available in marimo.ui
Element | Description |
marimo.ui.array |
Create array inputs |
marimo.ui.batch |
Batch operations |
marimo.ui.button |
Create buttons | |
Create chat interfaces |
marimo.ui.checkbox |
Create checkboxes |
marimo.ui.code_editor |
Create code editors |
marimo.ui.dataframe |
Interactive dataframes |
marimo.ui.data_explorer |
Explore data | |
Date picker |
marimo.ui.datetime |
Date and time picker |
marimo.ui.date_range |
Date range picker |
marimo.ui.dictionary |
Dictionary inputs |
marimo.ui.dropdown |
Create dropdowns |
marimo.ui.file |
File uploads |
marimo.ui.file_browser |
Browse files |
marimo.ui.form |
Create forms |
marimo.ui.microphone |
Record audio |
marimo.ui.multiselect |
Multiple selection |
marimo.ui.number |
Number inputs | |
Radio buttons |
marimo.ui.range_slider |
Range sliders |
marimo.ui.refresh |
Refresh buttons |
[marimo.ui.run_button ][marimo.ui.run_button] |
Run buttons |
marimo.ui.slider |
Create sliders |
marimo.ui.switch |
Toggle switches |
marimo.ui.tabs |
Tabbed interfaces |
marimo.ui.table |
Interactive tables |
marimo.ui.text |
Text inputs |
marimo.ui.text_area |
Multiline text inputs |
To use a UI element, assign it to a global variable and output it in a cell.
When you interact with the frontend element, the Python object's value
attribute is automatically updated, and all cells referencing that object
automatically run with the element's latest value.
Integration | Description |
marimo.ui.altair_chart |
Interactive Altair charts |
marimo.ui.plotly |
Interactive Plotly charts |
marimo.mpl.interactive |
Interactive Matplotlib plots |
marimo.ui.anywidget |
Custom widgets |