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marimo comes packaged with interactive UI elements that you can use to build powerful notebooks and apps. These elements are available in marimo.ui.

Element Description
marimo.ui.array Create array inputs
marimo.ui.batch Batch operations
marimo.ui.button Create buttons Create chat interfaces
marimo.ui.checkbox Create checkboxes
marimo.ui.code_editor Create code editors
marimo.ui.dataframe Interactive dataframes
marimo.ui.data_explorer Explore data Date picker
marimo.ui.datetime Date and time picker
marimo.ui.date_range Date range picker
marimo.ui.dictionary Dictionary inputs
marimo.ui.dropdown Create dropdowns
marimo.ui.file File uploads
marimo.ui.file_browser Browse files
marimo.ui.form Create forms
marimo.ui.microphone Record audio
marimo.ui.multiselect Multiple selection
marimo.ui.number Number inputs Radio buttons
marimo.ui.range_slider Range sliders
marimo.ui.refresh Refresh buttons
[marimo.ui.run_button][marimo.ui.run_button] Run buttons
marimo.ui.slider Create sliders
marimo.ui.switch Toggle switches
marimo.ui.tabs Tabbed interfaces
marimo.ui.table Interactive tables
marimo.ui.text Text inputs
marimo.ui.text_area Multiline text inputs

To use a UI element, assign it to a global variable and output it in a cell. When you interact with the frontend element, the Python object's value attribute is automatically updated, and all cells referencing that object automatically run with the element's latest value.


Integration Description
marimo.ui.altair_chart Interactive Altair charts
marimo.ui.plotly Interactive Plotly charts
marimo.mpl.interactive Interactive Matplotlib plots
marimo.ui.anywidget Custom widgets